Budda Baker wore No. 32 in college, but when he got to the Cardinals, a certain Honey Badger already had that, so Baker went with No. 36. Well, Tyrann Mathieu has been gone a season, and Baker decided to do a little business in order to get back to his college roots.
Baker will be No. 32 this season, a move he actually had already noted on social media recently. (Players who want to change numbers have to work out with Nike to buy back any jerseys made for sale before a change is allowed, so the higher profile the player, the more pricey such a thing can be.)
It makes Baker's Twitter handle line up again.
The change doesn't just benefit Baker, however. Last year, the Cardinals claimed D.J. Swearinger off waivers. Swearinger likes to wear No. 36, but since Baker had it, Swearinger wore No. 35 for the week he was around. But now that Baker has changed, Swearinger will get to wear the No. 36 jersey as he did during his first go-round with the Cardinals.
It's always nice when your two starting safeties are comfortable with their number. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you play good. Right?